FOODprint networking workshop

Food Waste Reduction Summit “Food Waste Stakeholders Summit”
27 October 2022
9 AM to 4 PM
Crowne Plaza Hotel Limassol
Friends of the Earth Cyprus, on behalf of the LIFE FOODprint consortium, invites you to the “Food Waste Stakeholders Summit to reduce food waste”.
This is an all-day event organised by Friends of Earth Cyprus and all partners involved in the project co-funded by the European Commission to raise awareness and information on reducing food waste.
Participation in the event is free, but registration is required (lunch included) and places are limited.
Register here:
Session 1: 9am – 1pm – EU and local actions
During this session, participants will have the opportunity to hear about various initiatives and actions at EU level, while promoting capacity building and goal setting at local level.
This session is open to all project stakeholders and social partners in the supply, production and distribution chain (hospitality businesses, local authorities, national NGOs and CSOs and academic institutions).
- Cristina Lisetchi, Policy Officer for the EU Food waste prevention Hub (European Commission)
“EU actions to prevent food loss and waste and to facilitate food donation”
- Angeliki Stamelou, Communication officer, BOROUME (Greece)
“The food saving warriors team fighting for food waste reduction in Greece”
- Giorgos Elia, Officer, Public Health Services of the Ministry of Health , Republic of Cyprus
“Food hygiene and safety – official controls”
- Elias Moustakas, Food and Beverage Manager at IKEA Cyprus
Session 2: 2-4pm – ‘Taking the next step to reduce food waste” workshop
The afternoon will be spent brainstorming on the collaborative activities needed to take the next steps and actions to proactively reduce food waste and support collaborative actions for food donations. This session is dedicated to businesses active in the hotel and hospitality sector, the food industry and the food distribution chain. During this workshop we will try to answer the following questions:
How can we as food chain actors work together to reduce food waste and promote food donation activities? (exchange of ideas and best practices)
What do hotels and hotel businesses need to reduce food waste and participate in food donation activities?
What are the barriers currently faced by operators?
How to create commitment to reduce food waste and promote food donation?
For clarifications, contact [email protected]