European Waste Prevention Week (EWWR) and the launching of “LIFE – FOODprint” project

The week 21 to 29 November 2020 has been designated as European Waste Prevention Week. The purpose of this week is to promote and implement public awareness actions at a European level on sustainable resource use and waste management issues. The Department of Environment, as the coordinator of the Week in Cyprus, will implement an information campaign. The information campaign will include a video that will be channeled through television stations and social media, an audio spot, which will be channeled through radio stations and a poster which will be posted on the website of the Department and other agencies, on social media, as well as on street signs. At the same time, an online conference will be held on 26/11/2020 with the participation of beneficiaries from the LIFE programs.
In Cyprus, the project “LIFE – FOODprint” is implemented from mid-September 2020 until April 2023 with the aim of raising awareness on issues of management and reduction of organic waste. The project “LIFE – FOODprint” is addressed mainly to (a) companies active in the fields of food (restaurants, catering, supermarkets, etc.) and tourism (hotels, etc.) and, (b) consumers and households in Cyprus.
The project will implement targeted actions such as information campaigns in the media and social media, consultations with stakeholders, training, creation of information and educational material, etc. In addition, an important part of the project will be the creation of a “Collaboration network” with the aim of piloting a food donation program through the cooperation of businesses and social organizations such as Local Authorities, NGOs and so on.
For more information regarding the project “LIFE – FOODprint” follow us on Social Media @foodprintcy or contact us directly at email: [email protected]. To register for the meeting of the Department of Environment: More information about European Waste Prevention Week: